Jun 22, 2012

to do list

Today is the last day before I take off to Cambodia, so I've been spending it knocking everything off my to do list.
Pay bills, clean apartment, take out recycling, stock up on Abby supplies, eat/compost what will go bad in the fridge, field student grade complaints, and pack.
Eating what will go bad resulted in broccoli, lentil curry.
And at about the time I was making this, disaster struck. I had submitted grades and an office worker put them online for me, as everything is in Korean so I couldn't do it myself. Unfortunately a mistake was made, that mistake being that everyone got two grades lower than they should have. A+ turned into C+, while a B+ turned into a D+. Naturally, this caused a flood of panicking emails into my inbox. I made a call into the office and was told what happened, they were trying to fix it, and just tell the students to please wait. Awesome. Things have quieted down so I'm hoping everything is resolved and I won't have to deal with another flood of complaints. At least until after I get back, if at all.
 Abby hanging out in her third favourite sleeping spot, unfazed by everything as usual.
And a shot of some pretty fantastic 부추전 buchujeon (Asian chives pancake) and makeolli from earlier on in the week.

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